The past week just flew by and I can hardly remember all of the events from the week! Does that ever happen to you? You are actively participating in "life" but at the same time it is spinning past you. Right now I feel like I'm trying to do a million things, but they are all things I'm setting up for myself. For instance, I've been sewing a ton, but since most of the items are for Christmas I feel a bit bottled up because I can't share.
I have been trying a few new things for myself. I've discovered that most of my handbags are military, and since I will need to cover more as a civilian in Korea, I've decided to make some non-military bags. I made this cute bag as a model to see how my design would turn out. I'm constructing another one out of more a sateen fabric, but I wanted to make sure the design would work first.

I'm quite proud of my pleats on this purse. I don't think I've ever done pleats without the assistance of my mom, so I guess I'm branching out a bit more! This purse is fully lined, has a zipper pocket, two slide pockets and a magnetic closure.
I finished another Bag From The Heart for a recipient in California. She sent me the lining fabrics and asked me to "do with them what you like". I thought the green looked best on the outside and for the inside I mixed the two together. The recipient is expecting her first baby, so I made sure to include plenty of pockets, 2 spots for bottles, and a hard bottom insert, so the bag can keep its form when filled.

This is the front of the bag. There are spots where name tapes can
velcro on. The bag measures about 17" wide, 11" tall and 6" deep.

This photo shows a close up of the inside. You can see the brown slip in pockets (3 per side), the pen holders (3), the elastic pocket for a baby or water bottle (green), and the hard bottom insert (green).
This past weekend was spent entertaining and socializing. Friday night we had friends over for pizza and a movie. It was nice to have them over because the husband was stationed in Korea and his wife is Korean. She (Tara) has been teaching me about different things to expect, and is honestly making me even more excited and anxious to leave Augusta. I know Korea will take us far away from family, but I think it will unite all of us in adventure as well. I've been doing a lot of research about ESL jobs and trying to be as informed as I can be. It is difficult to contact schools of language institutes because we don't know yet where in Korea we will be. We might not know until we get there. Oh the adventure!
On Saturday Dan and I went to a member of Dan's mixed martial arts (
MMA) gym to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship (
UFC). I made 'pigs in a blanket' to take as some
sustenance. You would have thought I was bringing in gold and diamonds the way the guys drooled and inhaled them. It was pretty funny how quickly they disappeared. I was glad that I made double the amount I usually do. I guess we will be invited back for the next long as I make some food.
Tuesday I adventured to Atlanta to visit with Kim and
Aerielle. Yes,
Aerielle! No, not the Little Mermaid (different spelling), but my long lost deployment buddy from Texas. I don't think we have seen each other since Dan came home from Iraq! We were both just very busy getting everything ready to move that we didn't have a chance to meet up. She is at Ft.
Benning, so we are a little more than 4 hours apart in Georgia, but at least we can meet 1/2 way in Atlanta. The three of us spent the day catching up and wondering around a huge shopping complex. None of us bought much, but the conversation was well worth the trip. Plus we ate lunch at a great sushi place. All three of us were desiring sushi, so we were happy to find a descent place.
Now for the exciting news....I know, long post, but it's been forever! Today Dan and I went and met with the woman who will "cut" our orders of Korea! We got different forms that have to be filled out by our doctors and different departments on post as well as different briefings we have to attend. Next week we will have another meeting to attend, which should answer/provide even more information. I'm extremely happy to have 'the ball rolling' with all the steps that need to happen when moving overseas.
Alright, phew...that's it for now. I will try to do better the rest of this week with updates! **Wishful thinking at least.**